In an exciting turn of events, the Shiba Inu leader, known by the community as Kusama, has publicly acknowledged the tireless efforts of the builders on the Shibarium blockchain. This commendation was made in a recent statement within the Shibarium Telegram group, where Kusama expressed his enthusiasm for the myriad of incredible projects taking shape.
It’s worth noting that Kusama initially had a reserved stance towards the challenges faced by teams working on valuable projects through Shibarium. However, he has now broken his silence to give credit where it’s due, stating, “Finally, get to come out of quiet mode for all the amazing projects out there”
Shiba Inu Team Actively Engages With Shibarium Progress
Lucie, the Shiba Inu content specialist, promptly shared a screenshot of Kusama’s statement on the X platform with the wider Shiba Inu community. She reinforced that the Shiba Inu development team closely follows and appreciates the progress made by projects on the Shibarium blockchain, dispelling any misconception that they turn a blind eye.
According to data from Defillama, the leading DeFi total value locked (TVL) aggregator, Shibarium boasts no less than 11 decentralized exchanges and two Farm protocols. This represents a remarkable surge, with the number of DEXs increasing by 50% in under two months since the Shibarium relaunch.
The impressive lineup of DEXs includes MARSWAP, ChewySwap, DogSwap, PunkSwap, WoofSwap, Shibex, Ball Exchange, LeetSwap, Woof Finance, Dalmatian, ComfySwap, and BoneDex. Complementing these, ChocoInu and ShibFi are the two distinguished Shibarium Farm protocols. Together, these projects command a formidable TVL of $693,401.
While Kusama celebrated the achievements of Shibarium builders, a member of the SHIB Army raised concerns about the declining volume of SHIB burn. Kusama clarified that Shibarium alone cannot facilitate the burning of Shiba Inu tokens. Instead, increased utilization of Shibarium leads to enhanced utility, resulting in more SHIB burns. The Shiba Inu community now eagerly anticipates further strides in the Shibarium ecosystem.
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