Shiba Inu’s team dropped a teaser video showing an unidentified dark logo. Two days earlier, the official handle posted a picture of a gaming console. Then shortly after project lead Shytoshi Kusama too posted a cryptic tweet saying “GET IN POSITION” with the hashtag CCG.
From the above, things point out to Shib Collectible Card Game [CCG] which is a play-to-earn game.
Earlier in May, the lead developer revealed that the project would be launched in early September 2022 and shared a graphic from the game, which depicts a Shiboshi [ a collection of 10,000 exclusive Shiba Inu generated Non-Fungible Tokens] being hit by a baseball bat on the head, with an inscription that reads “Bonk!”
The Shiba Inu developers also stated then that the team is committed to the launch of SHIB CCG as they want to expand the token’s utility. “The goal is to further prove that Shiba Inu is more than a just meme coin by providing more utility value for the token”.
Kusama shared that as part of the game development, spinning a SHIB narrative to include in the CCG story, gives it more depth and makes it more interesting than just battle cards and memes.
While nothing has been confirmed by the team as of now, the ad has generated a quiet abuzz in the community.
“Shiba Inu’s Metaverse Will Be Unreal”
Some commented it could be related to SHIB’s much-hyped metaverse project as Kusama recently revealed in a Discord chat that its metaverse will look completely unreal, without specifying any further details.
As reported by TronWeekly, the team shook hands with The Third Floor [TTF], one of the world’s leading visualization studios, known for its Marvel blockbusters such as “Wonder Woman,” “Avengers: Infinity War” “Thor: Ragnarok,” “Mad Max: Fury Road,” and so on.
According to TTF’s chief creative officer Dane Smith, The Shiba Inu community’s artistically driven mission, is “inspiring.” “The metaverse may be able to provide an infinite amount of opportunities and mixed-reality experiences,” he added.
On July 20, the Shiba Inu Twitter account released a teaser of palm trees during a storm. In response to that, gaming veteran William Volk tweeted that “something” was coming.