Data Reveals That Cardano Network Is 40% Underutilized

The Cardano network is now using, on average, around 40% of its capacity. The Ouroboros protocol of Cardano is designed to handle enormous quantities of data as well as operations and scripts of various complexity and quantity. Comparatively, the ADA network is underutilized. The ideal situation is for the network to run at or near 100 percent of its capacity.

Boosting throughput is necessary for Cardano’s security

This year, IOHK extended the block-size limit twice to enable more transactions per block in an effort to boost transaction throughput. Block sizes were raised from 64 KB to 80 KB and eventually to the current 88 KB capacity. More transactions can fit inside a block with larger block sizes, improving user capacity.

According to IOHK, boosting the throughput of a blockchain like ADA is essential for security since doing so might expose the system to DoS attacks. It thus adopts a planned and thorough procedure for implementing such modifications.

The IOG developers hard-forked the Cardano testnet to Vasil functionality in the previous week. As per a recent report, the teams are currently upgrading dependencies and working closely with SPOs and the community to address testnet concerns. The team is still working on improving the maintainability of the pipeline and adding tests to boost confidence and prevent regression.

The Hydra team also concentrated mostly on modifying the hydra-node to be completely compatible with Vasil. The upcoming version of hydra-node v.0.7.0, which will run on the hard-forked testnet, is also currently in development. 90 new projects have just begun on Cardano, while 1,029 projects are now under construction. 5,868 NFT projects are active, and there are 5.4 million Cardano native tokens.
