Tron Tokens

TronSociety’s TronWallet adds support for TRC20 tokens

The TronWallet mobile app TronWallet is a mobile decentralized application available for Android that runs…

Duel arrives in TronBet, here’s all you need to know

TronBet is turning the decentralized application world upside down. It's become the world's most important…

All that you need to know about Tronchat is right here

Tron is a third generation blockchain network that's been pushing very hard to develop new…

Bimoney’s new Candybox gets launched

This is a special month for BiMoney. It's a blockchain technology company specialized in the…

Tron-based GOC DEX about to go mobile

The overly ambitious Tron-based platform called GOC announced that its decentralized exchange platform is going…

Meet Crash365, Tron’s new gambling app

Tron has managed to become the main blockchain platform for both standard and decentralized apps,…

TronBet’s Ante: Here’s how to get some, buy or sell

How would you like to gamble at a casino in which you get some of…

LoveHearts Token Swap is almost ready

LoveHearts is a cryptocurrency which has been working to make itself Tron-based. In order to…

A new Lifetime Subscription Token for TronWallet

A little more than a month ago, TronWallet issued a new TRC10 token (which means…

Tron’s BOOK project (WRT) to launch its Dummy Book Network

Tron's objective is to decentralize the web completely using blockchain technology. That will allow content…