Tron Universe

Meet Crash365, Tron’s new gambling app

Tron has managed to become the main blockchain platform for both standard and decentralized apps,…

TronBet’s Ante: Here’s how to get some, buy or sell

How would you like to gamble at a casino in which you get some of…

LoveHearts Token Swap is almost ready

LoveHearts is a cryptocurrency which has been working to make itself Tron-based. In order to…

A new Lifetime Subscription Token for TronWallet

A little more than a month ago, TronWallet issued a new TRC10 token (which means…

Tron’s BOOK project (WRT) to launch its Dummy Book Network

Tron's objective is to decentralize the web completely using blockchain technology. That will allow content…

Tron DApps TronBet and TronDice make it to GoDapp

GoDapp is a Chinese-based website that catalogs and offers access to decentralized apps in three…

LoveHearts token migrating to Tron TRC20 technology

The TRC20 technology is one of two Tron-based cryptocurrency technologies (TRC10 being the other one)…

PLAY GOC makes vital announcements for LoveHearts and TRC10 WIN holders

Part of the recent strides of Tron is the production of a token-based incentivized gaming…

The Tron based IGG token gets withdrawn from Tronscan DEX

Intergalactic Gaming Gold (IGG) announced earlier that its Tron-based token has been officially withdrawn from…

Stellar (XLM) vs. Tron (TRX): Is a new crypto feud starting?

Jed McCaleb has built a reputation for himself over the years. He founded Ripple Labs,…