Tech giant Microsoft is planning to develop a cryptocurrency mining system that allows people to mine digital currencies using human body activity data. This will banish the use of specialized cryptocurrency mining equipment.
On March 26, the global corporation published a patent with the name “Cryptocurrency system using body activity data.” According to well-detailed documentation, the latest crypto-mining method would use the data obtained from an individual’s body activity, using the latest proof-of-work system.. The patent reads:
“Instead of massive computation work required by some conventional cryptocurrency systems, data generated based on the body activity of the user can be a proof-of-work, and therefore, a user can solve the computationally difficult problem unconsciously.”
To initiate a mission, the server assigns an activity to the user’s gadget that is linked to the server. The gadget has a special sensor that detects the user’s human body activity. In addition, the cryptosystem verifies whether or not the activity of the body meets the requirements of the cryptocurrency system.After that, the system would reward the user with cryptocurrencies once the data has been verified.
The system encourages people to perform certain tasks
According to Microsoft, this system could be used to encourage and motivate people to perform certain tasks. Scanners can detect other human behaviors, such as cognitive alertness when reading ads that can validate the user’s blocks of digital currency.
“For example, a brain wave or body heat emitted from the user when the user performs the task provided by an information or service provider, such as viewing advertisement or using certain internet services, can be used in the mining process,” reads the patent application.
A Dutch firm back in 2017 investigated whether humans would generate enough energy to mine digital currencies. The firm found out that body heat from 37 individuals after running the test; fetched over several hours, provided just enough computing power for just eight days to mine crypt.
However, it is still uncertain if this project will be built on a dedicated blockchain network, or if the behemoth technology would build its own blockchain ecosystem. Similarly, it’s still not clear if Microsoft is going to go on with the project. In addition, in the patent application, Microsoft also emphasized that its latest project would be completely centralized.
Blockchain patents on the rise
Tech firms around the world are always experimenting with blockchain technology and digital currencies to stay ahead of their competitors. In the United States, the United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued 227 blockchain patents on its own since 2014 and last year in October.
Just recently, IBM tech company applied for a blockchain patent to create a token dubbed “self-aware token.” The project is based on a proposal that, as new payment methods emerge, it will raise questions about the ability to authorize, authenticate and coordinate transactions over a myriad of platforms.
In addition, Coinbase’s CEO, Brian Armstrong filed a blockchain patent; that comprises a method for individuals to send bitcoin using email addresses without having to pay for the transaction.