RBI Chief Warns of Financial Crisis, Talks About Banning Crypto

The use and adoption of private digital assets in India have been met with skepticism from the government and watchdogs. Authorities have already suggested that capital gains from cryptocurrency trading in India will be subject to a 30% tax.

The governor of the Indian Central Bank has, however, issued a cautionary statement regarding the coming financial crisis.

“Change in value of any so-called product is the function of the market, but unlike any other asset, our main concern about crypto is that it doesn’t have any underlying [value] whatsoever.” “As a term, cryptocurrency is a fashionable way of describing what is otherwise a 100 percent speculative activity.

Das said

RBI chief talks about the recent crypto events

Shaktikanta Das, the governor of the RBI, spoke at the BFSI insight Summit about the recent collapse and changes in the cryptocurrency industry. However, he foresaw a potential financial crisis in the future and mentioned that it would be brought on by personal digital assets.

Das went on to say that he still believes the same thing about digital assets and wants them to be banned. He also added that the cryptocurrency has no intrinsic value. Private digital assets pose significant threats to financial and macroeconomic stability.

The RBI Chief brought up the significant FTX collapse while highlighting the recent decline in the crypto market. These incidents have proven to be a strong advocate for the Indian government’s stance against cryptocurrency. Das, however, argued that a shift in any product’s value is a market’s function.

According to RBI Chief, the purpose of cryptocurrencies is to circumvent and subvert the system. Das countered that he has not yet heard a convincing defense of the public good that cryptography serves. It is unclear in every way. He designated cryptocurrency as a speculative activity that needs to be outlawed.

Earlier it was reported that on December 1, 2022, the RBI would begin testing the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)/Retail Digital Rupee. The secondary market transaction settlement will be put to the test by the watchdog.

In the meantime, the Indian government has come under fire from the populace for levying a high tax rate on the retail cryptocurrency trade.
