Re-State Announces the Launch of the World’s First Metauniversity With Metametaverse

The Re-State Foundation, a non-profit organization, based in Switzerland, is developing the world’s first MetaUniversity in the Metametaverse to reinvent the future of government.

The objective of MetaUniversity is to co-create all necessary past, present, and future knowledge connected to governance and cooperation for a systematic progression toward a united human consciousness.

The MetaUniversity connects and provides a platform for all educational institutions now functioning in various metaverses and educational materials on Web3 and collaboration.

The MetaUniversity’s primary goal is to gather all human knowledge about collaboration and the future of government.

Humanity has reached a period in which mainstreaming the story of global collaboration and developing new forms of collaboration is critical.

Re-State aims for accessible education for all

The activity of the Re-State Foundation strives to promote collaboration in all forms, with a particular focus on technological advancement.

The MetaUniversity will be a global academic network of outstanding scholars and institutions worldwide working on topics like the evolution of human collaboration, new tools for the future of governance, Web3 and Cryptoeconomics, digital identification solutions, and more.

In an ever-expanding attempt to make education more accessible, the MetaUniversity will also serve as a portal via which users may access countless educational venues in different metaverses.

All users in various educational metaverses will be able to observe and travel to other educational themed metaverses via the Metametaverse protocol.

For the next generation of metaverses, available information and accessible education should be primary goals.

Structures and incentives underpinning our digital environment must change in tandem with its technological foundations, according to Anastasia Kalinina, Co-Founder and CEO of Re-State Foundation.

“Facilitating learning and cooperation is one of the major reasons we established the Metametaverse,” stated Joel Dietz, Founder, and CEO of Metametaverse. It allows you to join multiple metaverse environments seamlessly.”

“The MetaUniversity is a vital component of the digital commons powered by community solidarity, collective ownership, and open source technology.”

We want the metaverse we are developing to become a safe space for its visitors to explore different aspects of human collaboration and discuss the impact of emerging technologies”, said Alexandra Seaman, Head of Partnerships at the Re-State Foundation. 
