RichQuack, a new hyper-deflationary token backed by a community of over 100,000 on Twitter and 65,000 on Telegram, launches on the Binance Smart Chain with the simple goal of making its investors rich. RichQuack is a play on words, mocking those who want to get rich fast without working hard. They are a community of members that work hard together, for token holders to earn money simply by holding the token. The company also provides a launchpad, alongside an incubator program with financial incentives, to help other projects kick off their own tokens.
As the U.S. Federal Reserve navigates the pandemic-stricken economy, inflation has reached its highest levels in 30 years. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell says the high inflation is “transitory,” meaning temporary. The rising prices of cars, food, and gas are actually causing a psychological shift in Americans’ minds, as inflation becomes a top concern for many.
RichQuack bypasses the problem of inflation by launching a deflationary token with a built-in 12% transaction fee distributed as follows:
- 4% Tax To Reward Holders and Feed the Blackhole.
- 8% Tax for Self Generating Auto Liquidity
From the 8% Auto-Liquidity Tax, Liquidity Manager will:
- Lock 50% of Auto Liquidity Generated to Team.Finance (4%)
- Remove 50% QUACK/BNB (4%) Liquidity Generated
Manually, daily (24–48h) and split it up to:
- 2% Tax for Marketing & Dev Wallet
- 2% Tax for QUACKPump & Blackhole Wallet
RichQuack’s incubator program helps launch other tokens by making them a pitch deck and providing capital. The QUACK token is listed on Gate io, Bitmart, Digifinex, Hotbit, ZT Global, Exchange, PancakeSwap, MEXC, and BKEX.