Ripple Exec- XRP Was Created As A “Better Bitcoin”

A former top exec at Ripple, Matt Hamilton stated that the XRP token is still in the top 5 because it works 100% and challenged Bitcoin fanatics to transact BTC on the XRP Ledger.

If you say so. Even by your own admission it only works 95% of the time. Why do you think the XRP Ledger is so popular and XRP is still in the top 5? Because *it works*. No drama. No big issues that need fixing. It just works. Boring as hell. And that is *good*.

Hamilton who worked as a Principal Developer Advocate at blockchain firm Ripple was locked in a debate with a critic arguing the use cases of XRP. The user defended Bitcoin and its layer-2 scaling solution, the Lightning Network, over the XRP Ledger.

Another Bitcoin supporter claimed that very few would own XRP due to being unregistered security. To which Hamilton responded that XRP’s use cases are peer-to-peer payments as it was created as a “better Bitcoin.”

The critic again stressed that with Bitcoin “money is solved” due to the advent of Lightning network which he claimed as “decentralized bitcoin payments for no cost, hard to improve on that.” Hamilton then highlighted a failed transaction on the L N over what he said was a “lack of inbound liquidity.”

“No, it failed due to a lack of inbound liquidity. That is literally what the message is saying. This is the fundamental architectural flaw of LN. You have to hope there is enough liquidity on your payment route.”

Another user replied to Hamilton arguing that the payment had failed because it was for a transaction that had already been paid.

Hamilton continued, while the Lightning Network “only works 95% of the time” the XRP Ledger “just works.”

Over 516M XRPs Moved by Ripple and Other Exchanges

Just a few days back, data from Whale Alert noted that a half billion XRP were being moved on the market in large lumps by Ripple and other top-tier exchanges. Whale Alert identified several consecutive transactions, carrying between 30 million to 200 million XRP tokens. The transfers were conducted over a period of 24 hours.

Lipika Deka: Lipika is a crypto-journalist at TWJ. A graduate in economics and finance, she has a keen interest in the political and socio-economic facets of blockchain technology and the cryptocurrency industry.