Shiba Inu Leads The Pack: Global Interest In Meme Coins Soars In 2023

The meme coin craze is sweeping the globe, with certain countries showing particular interest in these speculative assets, including Shiba Inu leading the pack, according to a recent report from Crypto ranking platform CoinGecko. The United States is leading, followed closely by India and the United Kingdom.

The report indicates that meme coins have gained popularity in various regions, including Southeast Asia’s Philippines and Malaysia, Nigeria and Morocco in Africa, Oceania’s Australia and New Zealand, and Canada. These top 10 countries collectively account for a significant 82.9% of interest in meme coins, highlighting their global appeal.

Shiba Inu Dominates Interest: Most Popular Meme Coin In the US & India

In the United States, meme coins have captured the imagination of investors, representing 23.6% of the global interest in 2023. The most popular meme coin in the US is Shiba Inu, driving a remarkable 60.7% of interest. Other notable meme coins in the US include Pepe, Bonk, and Volt Inu.

India comes in second place, contributing 20.3% of global interest in meme coins. Shiba Inu dominates the Indian market as well, generating 55.8% of the country’s interest. Baby Doge Coin also holds a significant share of India’s meme coin interest at 29.9%.

The Philippines and Nigeria have also shown a keen interest in meme coins. Floki is the top choice in the Philippines, accounting for 26.7% of meme coin interest, followed closely by Shiba Inu and Bonk. Nigeria’s meme coin interest diverges from other countries, with Floki and ArbDoge AI capturing the highest interest.

Shiba Inu emerges as the most popular meme coin globally, driving 46.7% of interest among the top meme coins in 2023. Baby Doge Coin, Pepe, Floki, and Bonk also generate notable investor interest.

Interestingly, Pepe captures the most meme coin interest in Canada, while Dogecoin remains the primary choice for meme coin enthusiasts in Morocco. Bonk gained attention earlier in the year for its significant price pump, outperforming both Shiba Inu and Dogecoin.

The study conducted by CoinGecko analyzed page views for the top 15 meme coins by market capitalization. These included well-known coins like Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and Pepe, as well as lesser-known ones like Kishu Inu, Wojak, and Bonk.

As the meme coin craze continues to grip the world, investors from various countries actively participate in this speculative market. 

However, the dominance of Shiba Inu and the emergence of new contenders demonstrate the dynamic nature of the meme coin ecosystem, leaving room for both established and upcoming coins to capture investors’ attention.

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