Stranger Things NFT Didn’t Get a Warm Welcome From the Community

Candy Digital, an NFT platform, has released another “Stranger Things” minigame for Netflix, in which users must solve riddles in order to collect NFTs of the show’s stars. However, some admirers are dissatisfied.

The “Stranger Things” NFTs are 11,111 unique tokens that represent ownership of one of five digital posters on Candy Digital’s Palm blockchain—an Ethereum layer 2 sidechain.

Netflix teased the NFT relationship with secret messages in the Season 4 teaser for its smash original series back in April.

By playing a mystery game involving a virtual “Stranger Things” laboratory last week, nearly 4,700 participants got a free NFT poster of Eleven, the show’s lead played by Millie Bobbie Brown.

Stranger things NFTs received mixed feelings

A fresh round of the minigame went up on the site this week. To acquire one of four free NFT posters featuring characters Mike Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Will Byers, or Argyle, players must complete “I am Hell’s Master” questions.

The announcement elicited a mixed reaction. The minigame was well-received by crypto enthusiasts and show viewers alike. Other fans were outraged when the NFT news was shared on the “Stranger Things” Twitter account last week.

“I deeply love Stranger Things, but I’m profoundly disappointed that Netflix decided it’d be a good idea to run an NFT grift on its fans,” the fan wrote. “I’m not going anywhere near this trash.”

Others slammed the NFTs, responding with vomiting emojis and weeping GIFs, and even telling the corporation to “fuck off.”

Many people were outraged by Ubisoft’s push into Tezos NFTs and Square Enix’s involvement in NFT gaming in the video game business. Because of the backlash against NFTs, some independent game NFT integrations have been canceled.
