Another NFT rug puller is on the run as crypto and blockchain detective Zachxbt exposed him. The exposed mastermind is a French e-commerce guru, Soulaymane Mahzoul.
He is alleged to be the curator of the $1.6 million NFT rug pull connected to the Crazy Camels NFT project.
He is alleged to be connected to several other projects at the moment.

Soulaymane’s rug pull journey
Soulay is the originator of Crazy Camels, a pfp NFT project that began in October 2021 with a collection of 10,000 NFTs. It featured presale prices of 0.1 ETH and public sale prices of 0.3 ETH.
Many of these similar rug pull incidents start out similarly by promising expensive giveaways and an enterprising roadmap.
As the presale went live, the entire project was moving as planned. But during the public sale, the demand was comparatively less than expected, most presumably due to the mint price.
But rather than reducing the price of the NFT, the team reduced the supply to 2k from 10k. The project still managed to bring in $1.6m.
Soon after the sale came to a conclusion, the entire team disappeared. Souley got himself a bag of 200 ETH( $909k) from the sales.

Disappointed CC project community members decided to step up and bring the project back to life without the proceeds.
Zachxbt took a deeper look inside Souley’s address and found some interesting insights. It was evident that he was a part of numerous rugs.
He had an inflow of funds from projects, including $203k from metab_nft, $160k from TheMetaStars, $82k from missuniversenft (RUG), and $50.2k from fashionapenft.

It is indeed insane to see an individual connected to several NFT projects, where most of them are rugs.
Zachxbt managed to get Soulay’s address by anonymously reaching out to related address owners. Zach is quite sure that Soulay has other addresses.
It’s pretty sad and scary to see that they loot investors, vanish and live their life lavishly. Soulay is currently residing in Dubai, just like Laurent. Zachxbt has also added a tweet for filing a report against both Laurent and Soulaymane to the Dubai police.