Terra’s LUNC soars high even through potential tax change

Source: Unsplash

Without a question, Terra was at the epicentre of the 2022 crypto market collapse. The project was one of the most prosperous before to the catastrophe, reaching a record high of $119.18 in April. But the soaring climb paved the ground for a legendary fall. The ensuing death spiral sent investors and users into a frenzy. Many people’s lives were completely destroyed, losing all they had saved up for.

Since then, the Terra team has created a new Terra Luna token (LUNA) and renamed the existing one Terra Luna Classic (LUNC).


In the past few weeks, LUNC has experienced significant growth. The token has gained by 11.3% over the last 24 hours, according to CoinGecko. Additionally, LUNC has increased by 184.6% over the previous two weeks and by 100.2% over the past seven days.

The latest rally in Terra Classic was probably influenced by the v22 upgrade. The much-anticipated return of staking choices to the project has resulted from the improvement. Staking awards state that stakers can obtain payouts of up to 37.8%. The increased interest in LUNC may be due to its high yield.

However, the network is also undergoing some significant developments.

Tax parameter change on Terra research

There is a fresh suggestion for altering the tax parameter on Terra research. The idea was put forth by Edward Kim. The idea states that fees for on-chain actions, like as transferring money between wallets and dealing with smart contracts, will be assessed and burnt. With this parameter adjustment, taxes on off-chain activity cannot be enforced (like trading on CEXs).

Kim has also listed some benefits and drawbacks of the modified tax parameters. He claims that the tax would serve as evidence of on-chain, community-driven governance. Additionally, it would exert deflationary pressure on UST and LUNC alike. Kim also identifies a possible short-term stimulus for luring in fresh retail investors. Finally, CEXs won’t take a burn-off chain into account until it has been implemented.

Kim acknowledges that taxes have a negative impact on long-term economic activity and chain utility. Additionally, support for current dApps that don’t take taxes into account will end. Furthermore, there is no assurance that the chain will be burned off by the CEXs. Additionally, the tax may force any residual liquidity to CEXs without taxes, off-chain.

The idea is available for debate and will be presented after the negotiations are finished.