The world is really falling apart, isn’t it? Bitcoin to the moon and the Lambos that we were going to chill in this summer came crashing right down when the market collapsed.
If you’re at home sinking in despair about how the stocks have crashed, how Bitcoin easily left its support margins and how coronavirus is spoiling your social life. – here’s a list of research papers you can read, while you’re at it.
1.Impact of the 2020 Bitcoin Halving: A Mathematical, Social, and Econometric Analysis
Starting with Jered Masters research paper on the impacts of the 2020 Bitcoin halving. His research “explores the consequences” of the Halving. It is a methodical approach that concludes the price of Bitcoin could drop in the short-term and increase in the medium. The paper also suggests how this halving could be different from the previous ones. Jered also talks about how the reaction to this halving could hold indicators for the long-term utility and security of Bitcoin – discussed in the later sections.
2.Crypto thesis for 2020
Messari the aggregate data provider company which provides insights to its users to make correct decisions around BItcoin and crypto wrote down a research paper as their “thesis” of crypto for the year 2020. Right from the top 10 people to watch in the crypto space to DeFi and policy trends – it has it all. To give a bit of investment advice, it says,
“BTC: Digital Gold
- ETH: DeFi Reserve (vs. ICO Reserve)
- XRP: Too-Big-To-Jail Coin
- USDT: Surprise! They’re more reserved than most Tier 1 banks. (vs. Surprise!
They’re solvent.)
- BCH: Bitmain casino chips
- LTC: BTC betanet 4-> (vs. Now useless)
- EOS: Actually no, it is in fact broken and run by a cartel. (vs.Wait, it’s legit?)
- BSV: Faketoshi Coin
- XLM: Burn the coins cuz no one wants them (vs. Cool. Enigmatic.)
- BNB: exciting unregistered security
- LINK: XRPArmy welcome
- XTZ: Wow! Staking games will never backfire!
- ALGO: Top 20 if no one redeems, amirite?
- TRON: fake-it-til-you-make-it coin
- XMR: Fluffy Pony Watch Fund
- LEO: Quasi-security backing a quasi-Liberty Reserve
- ATOM: Most interesting ETH “complement”
- NEO: “Chinese ETH”
- HT: Quasi-security that might have CCP blessing”
3. The Marketing Strategy of the Cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology – The Marketing Strategy of the Cryptocurrencies is written by Rafi F. Asgarl from Azerbaijan State University of Economics. The paper is a thesis intended to clarify the fundamental thinking or mentality towards cryptocurrencies, what they are perceived as what they should be – under two segments:
- Theoretical analysis of the problem. Cryptocurrencies and their marketing strategy
- Methodology and the results of empirical research. Blockchain technology
It’s a good read for the non-techie community.
4. Transformative effects of IoT, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence on cloud computing: Evolution, vision, trends and open challenges
This study is done by multiple researchers, it is a collaborative effort. The study explores the scopes of how three emerging technology paradigms: Blockchain, IoT and Artificial intelligence will influence the growth of future cloud computing systems. The research even identifies several technologies driving these paradigms. The research invites international experts to discuss the current status and future directions of cloud computing.
Additionally, the paper even proposes a “conceptual model for cloud futurology” to explore “the influence of emerging paradigms” and technologies on the evolution of cloud computing.
5.Stake Shift in Major Cryptocurrencies: An Empirical Study
This empirical study is done by multiple researchers namely Rainer Stütz, Peter Gaži, Bernhard Haslhofer, Jacob Illum; one the best researchers and computer scientists of this space. As interesting as it can get, the paper revolves around secure PoS proposals to observe the time gap between stake contributions. Further, it even investigates the ledgers of the top cryptocurrencies – Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin and Zcash.
It’s a good read for geeks who are knee-deep into consensus mechanisms.
[Note:- To download any of the ‘unavailable’ research papers, please copy and paste the research links to for a free download.]
Disclaimer: The suggestions in the listicle are based on the writer’s research and personal opinion.