Tronify Moves Numbers to show ‘Winning is Hard’

Winning is Hard, Being Imposter is Easy.

It’s easy to pretend to be an imposter than go through struggles and achieve results. Often faking provides an undeserved advantage over genuine work. Organizations occasionally struggle to issue certificates or tickets for events they host. But since there are no authentication requirements and these certificates or tickets are not produced as NFT, they are simply faked. This program is a working prototype for an NFT-compatible certificate generator and validator built with TRON.

This specific use case is to validate the certificates to the participants, and winners at Tron x EasyA Hackathon. That’s not it, we built the system in such a way that after winning hackathons or competitions all the eligible participant’s prize money would be delivered to the recipients’ Tron Wallet. This would create a unique TxID that would be enclosed on the digital certificate which is hosted at the IPFS/BTFS, a decentralized storage system.

The digitally verified certificate is provided along with the NFT minted along on the ERC-721 which is TRC-721 compatible ]

Project Info: [Use the upload button and upload a deck/slides of your project in PDF format.
You may upload this part later but it is advisable to upload it ASAP so the community can learn about your project early]

Project Website: [ 2]

Project Test Instructions: [

**Requirements **:

  • Tron wallet Address
  • Ethereum Goerli Test Network on Metamask – Instructions (Optional – For storing your NFT certificate to your wallet)
  • Ethereum Goerli wallet Address
  1. Enter your name on the certificate and your Tron wallet address. Click on save1 and save2 and click on the Input button.

  1. You will see the Transaction made to your wallet address on your screen with the tronscan link. You can open the link to verify the transaction.
  2. Enter your Ethereum Goerli Address in the “ERC Address” and click Mint NFT to generate ERC-721 NFT. Copy the transaction URL and open it in the new tab.

  1. In the meanwhile you can click on the verify tab and enter “Your Input Name” and Select date(Possibly default) and click on search.
  2. It will generate the certificate and hosted at the IPFS.

  1. Open the Etherscan link and search for contractID and Token number. Save them

  1. Open the Metamask wallet and go to NFTs. Click on Import token and enter the contractID and Token Number.
  2. That’s it your Tron Verified Certificate is in your mobile wallet as NFT

Akash Anand: I am an engineering graduate with a leaning towards content and hard-hitting journalism. The aim has always been to gather the latest happenings in crypto and present it to the world.